
루민 내과병원 Lumin Care (Plano)

업소록 2

루민 내과병원 Lumin Care (Plano)

Lumin Health is a driver of innovative healthcare in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Dr. Douglas Won, a world-renowned spine surgeon and innovator of micro-invasive surgical techniques, founded the system in 2013. This specialist-owned and operated healthcare system is on a mission to transform healthcare in pioneering and exceptionally caring ways.

The name, Lumin, comes from the word illuminate, or to make a clear path forward. Every day, Lumin seeks to chart a clear path for patients, delivering compassionate and knowledgeable healthcare focused on YOUR best interests. Focused on patient experience, the Lumin team of specialists and employees believe that as the quality of care increases, positive outcomes increase, while complications decrease.

From the treatment of minor injuries… to pain management… to the most serious back surgeries, Lumin Health ensures you will feel confident in the care you receive each and every time care is needed or delivered.

루민, 내과병원, Lumin, Care, 플레이노, 대장, 내시경, 간질환, 내과

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하나도 안주고 싶군요.
내진 진료에서는 참 ,친절하신데 막상 정말 아파서 연락 하면 바쁘다는 핑계로 전화도 안받고 그러네여..
의사가 아픈 사람 맘을 모르면 어쪄죠?? 그리고 루민 케어는 제가 알기로 달라스에서 사시는 연세 많으신 분 들이 많이 가시던데 ... 좀 바뀌셔야 될듯 싶네요.
대장내시경 여기서 했는데, 한 숨 자규 일어나니 다 되었다고 하네요...
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