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Logistics/SCM Manager 모집 합니다.

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작성자 BNTInc
구인 댓글 0건 작성일 23-10-02 19:14



저희는 Staffing/Recruiting을 전문으로 하는 BNT Inc. 입니다.


Beverly Hills, LA에서 근무하실 한국 의료기 전문회사의 Logistics/SCM Manager를 모집하고 있습니다.

지원하고 싶으신 분은 아래 이메일 또는 SMS로 연락 부탁드립니다.


  1. brian.kim@bntincorp.com
  2. +1-858-330-9583


[채용 정보]

지역 : Beverly Hills, LA

급여 : $75K ~ $85K

신분 : US Work eligibility 필수

경험 : In/out bound, Dispatch 와 delivery handling 경험

필수 업무 지식 :

     Container, Port(shipping), delivery, in/out bound handling(receiving/shipping), dispatching,

 trucking, 3PL mgmt./handling, Price negotiation, Handling/controlling Claims.

     Loading/Unloading management, warehousing, Contract negotiation, logistics/scm systems,

 3PL contract.




[Job description]

Logistics / SCM Manager



  A logistic/SCM Manager plays a crucial role in optimizing the flow of goods and materials within a company.

  They plan, direct and coordinate warehousing, distribution, forecasting, or planning services.

  Manage logistics personnel, logistics vendors, logistics systems, and direct daily operations for B2C and B2B.

  Manage transportation, manage inventory, fulfill customer orders, and handle supply chain activities.

  Responsibilities include coordinating shipments, tracking orders, managing logistics documentation, and collaborating with suppliers and internal teams.

  Attention to detail, organizational skills, and problem-solving abilities are essential for ensuring timely delivery and compliance.

  Effective communication and collaboration are vital for maintaining seamless operations and implementing strategies for improvement.

  The logistic coordinator`s role encompasses logistical knowledge, organizational abilities.

  Facilitates high-level product knowledge and professional development classes to employees at all levels, and acts as a brand ambassador, and provides on-site support at B2B and B2C.


Essential Functions (include but not limited to):

  • Liaise with warehouses and carriers to ensure timely and efficient delivery of goods, and resolve any issues or delays that may arise.
  • Maintain accurate records of all logistics operations and provide regular reports to management.
  • Process order entries and ensure timely delivery using various carriers.
  • Responsibility over the logistics, including monitoring the delivery of orders to customers and ensuring that the shipment remains on schedule
  • Adaptability in a fast-paced environment with the ability to manage and prioritize multiple time-sensitive tasks
  • Inventory Control
  • Ad-hoc responsibilities and duties required by the management



  • 5+ years of experience in a logistics manager role, preferably in the distribution industry.
  • Bachelor’s degree in supply chain management, management, business administration or similar majors.
  • Strong knowledge of logistics operations.
  • Excellent customer service skills, with the ability to communicate effectively with customers and carriers.
  • Experience with order entry.
  • Knowledge of domestic shipments and various carriers.
  • Strong attention to detail and ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Suite.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
  • Other duties assigned by management.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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