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2021년 10월21일 영어톡톡

페이지 정보

작성자 DJ용이오빠
댓글 0건 조회 1,537회 작성일 21-10-21 12:36


Today's Expressions

1. Cost much money..거금들었어
2. The payment isn't going through..결제 안돼
3. It's worth the wait..기다린 보람
4. At the bottom of the bottom..바닥중에 바닥
5. My motto is..내 좌우명은..
Today's Expressions

1. Don't ditch me..날버리지마
2. I don't do sorry..미안한건 못해
3. It's a team effort..팀플레이야
4. It requires patience..인내심 필요해
5. Pick up your ears..귀담아 들어


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